Dust In The Wind – Dust Book 1 By Vlad ben Avorham

Dust In The Wind – Dust Book 1 By Vlad ben Avorham

Dust In The Wind - Dust Book 1 By Vlad ben Avorham

The Levin family had decided to relocate; they just didn’t realize how far they’d be going. Hauling their worldly things across the country in 2020, despite the covid restrictions, was an adventure, but it was only the beginning. They stop in the Oklahoma panhandle to wait out a big dust storm. When it cleared, they discovered that the entire world had transformed. The year is 1933, and America has undergone significant changes. Most modern families would find it difficult to cope with the ecological disaster of the American Dust Bowl and the Great Depression, but the Jewish Levin family is most concerned with the fact that Adolf Hitler is still alive and running one of Europe’s great powers.

To make matters worse, history isn’t going precisely as they remember. Things are similar enough, but the details vary. Even if they were willing to sit back and watch it unfold, abandoning all of mankind to the horrors of WWII, let alone the nightmare that awaits European Jews, the alterations imply that they have no guarantee that the outcome will be the same. What can a family do when caught up in the tides of history?

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