Nothing Like the Movies By Lynn Painter

Nothing Like the Movies By Lynn Painter

Nothing Like the Movies By Lynn Painter

This charming, poignant sequel, written by the author of the New York Times bestseller Better Than the Movies, will leave you speechless!

Wes lost his ideal girlfriend, and the only way to win her back is to plot like a romantic comedy hero.

Wes and Liz, the girl next door, were together for a few lovely months. However, tragedy struck and their relationship ended just as they were ready to leave for UCLA together.

As time passes, Wes and Liz end up together at college. Now that he’s in a better place, Wes is determined to win Liz back even though he knows he destroyed her heart. Additionally, he has a solid plan to get her back by doing the romantic gestures she likes. Liz, however, won’t have any of it. To find a way to see her, Wes must plot like a romantic comedy hero. Liz’s new companion is a boy, which is even worse.

Nevertheless, Wes is adamant about regaining Liz’s love and will not give up. However, when his best attempts fail to produce any results, he is left to question whether their relationship is truly finished.

Size : 497 KB | English | 2024 | EPUB | B0CV1QFR3H

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