The Brotherly Shove By Emily Shacklette

Despite a record-breaking college career, Pennbook University’s star quarterback, Breaker Lawson, has been passed over by almost every team in the NFL, nearly ending his pro dreams before they have a chance to come to fruition.
But Breaker Lawson is a real tough kid.
When his name is read off on the last day as the two hundred and fifty second pick for the season to the San Francisco Redwoods, Breaker is thrilled to have his chance in the big leagues, even if being crowned ‘Mr. Irrelevant’ means spending the foreseeable future warming the bench.
Thrilled, that is, until he receives the phone call that changes everything. After a year of doing his best to avoid his former best friend, Breaker will yet again be suiting up on the same team as Lennon Griffith- the man who managed to shatter Breaker’s heart with one simple word.
When a string of injuries force Breaker off the bench and onto the field, he and Lennon are forced to shove their awkward animosity to the side and become the in-sync duo they once were for the sake of the team.
Will playing together be the shove these two need to get over their insecurities and see each other for what they are? Or is their relationship heading for a three and out?
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